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By using our app, you also agree to Google's terms of service. These terms are available here:

Our app uses Google's APIs and services to determine where you are at and what businesses are near you. 

In addition, we use Google Maps to display a map on your device.
We do not directly share any information with Google. 

This is a short summary of our terms, and is given for your convenience only. Our user agreement overrides this summary if somehow there are any contradictions.  

The app is providing information that should be considered as an estimation.
The app programmers are not viable or responsible to any damages you might occur for decisions based on the information displayed.
The data used to estimate the worth of a reward unit is usually an average among sources that provide such estimation, we do not estimate the value of rewards on our own. When such data is not provided we calculated the worth of a reward unit based on the reward cost of gift cards.
In addition, the value of a reward is changing based on the expense it is used for (for example, American Express reward points worth more when used for purchasing flight tickets than they are when purchasing gift cards), therefor we aim for an average of the points worth.

The project you are using is copyrighted, and parts of it are trademarked.
You may not under any circumstances create an app that does the same thing, nor steal information held under our servers.
You may feel free to contact us if you want to cooperate with us.

Credit providers may contact us requiring us to:
1. Change the logo we use within the app to any logo they desire (logos will update with the release of new version). Logos must be in a png format.
2. Add new credit cards that we did not add yet.
3. Provide more accurate terms compared to the ones we use.

4. Update us with terms changes to their credit cards.

We would love working with you more tightly, to provide our customers more accurate and up to date data regarding your credit cards.

This app heavily trusts the information stored in Google Places.
If a category of a business is incorrect in Google Places, we will not be able to use the right rewards categorization. 
Therefore, you should read the short report prepared for each credit card when maximizing the rewards you get is critical. 
Credit card companies DO NOT SHARE the full list of businesses that are included in each reward - for example, this is a common sentence in cash back cards terms:"2% cash back is given for purchases in department stores, excluding wholesale clubs".
In such a case, we use Google Places to determine if the current business is a department store, and a list of known places creditors refer to as wholesale clubs. This determination is not accurate, but inclusive in most cases. 
Bottom line, refer to the information presented with a grain of salt. 
Fact check our system. Found a mistake? let us know, and we will work to fix it.

Subscriptions purchases are conducted through Apple or Google. 
Subscriptions are per account (which means - if you have a Google account and a few Apple accounts, each requires a subscription).
The subscriptions  are shared with all devices Apple or Google share them with - we do not control it. Generally speaking, we contact the provider when asked by you, and ask "is this user a subscriber", and accommodate to the reply we get from the providers.​


The following section is the "You can't sue us, we can't sue you" section.
To summarize it, if there is any dispute - we should go to arbitration.
Yet, any claims/disputes regarding losses resulted from bad decisions based on information presented within Which-Card are voided, even if the data presented is incorrect.
By using Which-Card you agree we are not responsible to the correctness of the data presented to you, and you are responsible to all decisions based on what we present.

If you are a Which-Card user located in the United States or Canada, the “Special Arbitration Provision for United States or Canada Users” section below applies to you. Please also read that section carefully and completely. If you are not subject to the “Special Arbitration Provision for United States or Canada Users” section below, you agree that you will resolve any Claim you have with us relating to, arising out of, or in any way in connection with our Terms, us, or our Services (each, a “Dispute,” and together, “Disputes”) exclusively in courts located in central Ohio (this location may change), and you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating all such Disputes.

Governing Law. The laws of the State of Ohio govern our Terms, as well as any Disputes, whether in court or arbitration, which might arise between Which-Card and you, without regard to conflict of law provisions.

“Excluded Dispute” means any Dispute relating to the enforcement or infringement of your or our intellectual property rights (such as copyrights, trademarks, domains, logos, trade dress, trade secrets, and patents).

For clarity and notwithstanding the foregoing, those Disputes relating to, arising out of, or in any way in connection with your rights of privacy and publicity are not Excluded Disputes.


Federal Arbitration Act. The United States Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this “Special Arbitration Provision for United States or Canada Users” section, including any question whether a Dispute between Which-Card and you is subject to arbitration.


Agreement to Arbitrate for Which-Card Users Located in the United States or Canada. For Which-Card users located in the United States or Canada, Which-Card and you each agree to waive the right to a trial by judge or jury for all Disputes, except for the Excluded Disputes. Which-Card and you agree that all Disputes (except for the Excluded Disputes), including those relating to, arising out of, or in any way in connection with your rights of privacy and publicity, will be resolved through final and binding arbitration. Which-Card and you agree not to combine a Dispute that is subject to arbitration under our Terms with a Dispute that is not eligible for arbitration under our Terms.


The arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) under its Commercial Arbitration Rules in effect at the time the arbitration is started, including the Optional Rules for Emergency Measures of Protection and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes (together, the “AAA Rules”). The arbitration will be presided over by a single arbitrator selected in accordance with the AAA Rules. The AAA Rules, information regarding initiating a Dispute, and a description of the arbitration process are available at The arbitrator will decide whether a Dispute can be arbitrated. The location of the arbitration and the allocation of fees and costs for such arbitration shall be determined in accordance with the AAA Rules. We will not cover any arbitration fees, and the fees will be covered by the side initiating the arbitration process. 


You may waive your right to arbitrate with us. This will void the license agreement and will result in your inability to use the Which-Card. 
In this case please contact Apple, Google, or both mentioning you do not agree to Which-Card license agreement, requiring them to remove Which-Card from your account.


Small Claims Court. You may not bring your claims to small claims court. We do not directly charge you, nor directly in business with you. 

By using Which-Card you waive your right to claim for losses based on any use of the app.
You are responsible for the decisions taken, even if data presented in Which-Card lead you to these decisions.


Time Limit to Start Arbitration. We and you agree that for any Dispute (except for the Excluded Disputes) we and you must commence an arbitration proceeding within three weeks after the Dispute first arose; otherwise, such Dispute is permanently barred. This means that if we or you do not commence an arbitration within one year after the Dispute first arose, then the arbitration will be dismissed because it was started too late.


No Class Actions, Class Arbitrations, or Representative Actions for Users Located in the United States or Canada. We and you each agree that if you are a Which-Card user located in the United States or Canada, each of we and you may bring Disputes against the other only on its or your own behalf, and not on behalf of any other person or entity, or any class of people. We and you each agree not to participate in a class action, a class-wide arbitration, Disputes brought in a private attorney general or representative capacity, or consolidated Disputes involving any other person or entity in connection with any Dispute.


Which-Card is provided only in English, together with its license agreement.
Lack of knowledge of English does not void any sections of this agreement.

License Agreement

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